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Why Henrico is creating an inventory of all water service lines

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Henrico County Public Utilities is in the process of creating an inventory of all water service lines in the county and is notifying residents whose lines it does not have information about and those whose lines were identified as being galvanized (iron) pipes that require replacement by the county.

The county is required to conduct the inventory by the Environmental Protection Agency's Lead and Copper Rule. During the next few years, the department will collect data and identify any water service lines that contain lead. If lead lines are found, the county will replace them for free, but to date, the department reported no lead in county service lines. All county-maintained water mains are lead-free.

Residents who receive a letter and who know what material their pipes are made of should complete a survey to let the county know. If not, county employees or contractors will collect the data during the inventory process.

The EPA requires all localities to identify and replace by 2037 any existing pipes that are confirmed to have lead material. The county will work to identify any unknown lines in the coming years, and will coordinate with residents if they need to enter a property to inspect water lines.

A map of all county addresses that shows the current inventory of water service lines is available online.

For details about the process, click here.