The Henrico Citizen relies upon the support of readers, community members, local businesses and organizations to provide the best coverage available of Henrico County. Unlike many publications, the Citizen does not employ a paywall and never has. Instead, we provide all of our coverage for free.
Our ability to do this is the result of the support we receive from our community. We thank each one of the people whose names appear below: our 2025 financial supporters.
2025 Citizen supporters
Ogla Kosachevsky
Adam Yancey
Alina Castle
Allison Johnson
Alsuin Creighton-Preis
Amanda Halverson
Amy Whitelaw
Ana Palaghita
Andrew Price
Andy Edwardes
Angela Harper
Ann McGee
Anne Britt
Anne T. Norris
Anne Taylor
Annette Sirica
Arthur Utley
Barbara Robertson
Barbara Wilton
Beth Ann Howard
Beth Kinsey
Beth Vann-Turnbull
Bill Duncan
Bill Warhop
Bonnie Thompson
Brandy Ewell
Brenda Larivey
Brett Raynor
Brian Hood
Bruce Costner
Bryan Cain
Bryon Lepere
Bud Brinkley
Byron Hensley
Caroline Lingerfelt
Caroline O'Shannon
Caroline Pruett
Cary Alpert
Cassie Lane
Catherine Law
Charles Shade
Charles Yang
Charlie Moss
Charlotte Graham
Chris O'Brion
Chris O'Donnell
Chris Piper
Christina Vida
Christine Curtis
Christopher McElfresh
Cindy Glasgow
Claire D. Newton
Clifford Cutchins
Colleen Bohlman
Connor Johnson
Craig Lefeber
Damon Charity
Daniel Walker
Darla Phillips
David Houser
Dawna Covington
Debbie Cunningham
Debra Christenberry
Denise Costa
Diana Lane
Diane Major
Dick Hall-Sizemore
Donald Strickland
Dora Greene
Douglas Barry
Edward Kennedy
Elaine Warren
Elisabeth Oxenham
Elizabeth Miller
Emi Endo
Ercell Garrison
Erin Loewe
Esther Manns
Frederick Fisher
Frederick Smith
Fredricka Davis
G. Keith Martin
Gail Atkins
Geoffrey Howe
George Gallagher
Gerald Yantis
Grant Morrison
Greg Pinkard
Gretchen Biernot
Hannah Robbins Bruce
Harry Dell
Hazel Vernon
Helen Zuelzer
James Dart
James Fitzgerald
James Hines
Jane Anderson
Jason Ashlock
Jean Washburn
Jennifer Limbrick
Jill Marks
Jo Anne Ware
John Butler
John Panko
John Roper
John Votta
Judith Chisolm
Judy Proffitt
Julia Jenkins
Julie Laskaris
Karen Crouch
Karen Cullen
Karen Masterson
Karen Spencer
Kate Andrews
Katherine Taylor
Katy Pierce
Kemp Willis
Kenneth Winter
Kheila Jones
Kyle Almas
Kyle Webb
Latasia Carrington
Laura Gaskell
Laurel Lazar
Libby Goldberg
Linda Maroney
Liudmila Sverdlov
Luai Allarakia
Lynda Thompson
Lynda Weston
Lynda Weston
M. Hamm
Madeleine Faugot
Maegan Hodge
Marcia Richardson
Margaret Corwin
Margaret Eckman
Margaret Venable-Waple
Mark Crean
Mark Heede
Mary Beth Mains
Mary Beth Utley
Mary Campbell
Mary Gratz
Matthew Cullen
Matthew Lindholm
Maurice Johnson
Melanie Haimes-Bartolf
Melanie Seigler
Melissa Bingham Wolford
Melissa Flynn
Melodie Thigpen
Michael Curry
Michael Flynn
Michael Grim
Michael Wiebe
Michele Martel
Mike O'Toole
Mike Young
Misti Davidson
Monica Taylor
Nadine Oswald
Nalin Molligoda
Nancy Collins
Nancy Robinson
Nelson Bryant
NewsFlash User
Nian Cauffman
Pam Hulseapple
Pamela Stallsmith
Pat O'Bannon
Patricia Rogers
Peter Vieth
Ramya Shetty
Raymond Alderfer
Rebecca Dockum
Richard Blasing
Richard Hatcher
Richard Lynch
Richard Tracy
Rick Petersen
Rick Pulley
Robert Barrett
Robert Buesing
Robert Martenis
Robert M. Norris, III
Robert Styer
Robert Weller
Robin Coyle
Ron Dortch
Sally Norton
Samantha Guss
Sarah Chiffriller
Sarah Sinclair
Sarahbeth Scantlin
Shannon Alexander
Sharon Griffith
Shirley Jaeger
Shirley Lyons
Stephen Martin
Stephen McLane
Stephen Wyss
Sue Wimett
Sue Wimmet
Susan Douglas
Susan Haubenstock
Susan Sparling
Susan Sumrell
Susan Ward
T. Garnett
Thomas Chapman
Thomas Hardy
Tom Dickerson
Toni Schmiegelow
Tyrone Nelson
Valerie Robnolt
Vernon Stephenson
Vicki Roberts
Virgie Robertson
Virginia Roper
Virginia Sowers
William Poston
William Robins
Wykinnya Whitehurst
Yvonne Arvin