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VIDEO: The Henrico Business Corner – Leadership happy hour

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Mike King of MikeKingBiz, host of ESPN Richmond's On The Mic with Mike RVA, recently held a leadership happy hour at Embassy Suites Richmond in Henrico, celebrating community leaders and hearing from Mrya Goodman Smith (CEO of Leadership Metro Richmond) and Karen Webb (president of the Chesterfield Chamber of Commerce/Leadership Chesterfield).

(View a video recap of the event below)

Mike King on LinkedIn: WOW! The recap of The MIKEKINGBIZ Leadership Happy Hour. How do you have…
WOW! The recap of The MIKEKINGBIZ Leadership Happy Hour. How do you have an awesome & amazing event? You hire Jawanda Smith ... Event Planner Extraordinaire…

Both spoke about leadership principles and their upcoming programs and shared insight into the importance of leadership and boardmanship in community and nonprofit organizations.

The event was attended by about 100 people representing a variety of organizations, including the Henrico EDA, Richmond Region Tourism, Bryant & Stratton Richmond and Bizworks.