Cannabis advocates lobby at state capitol

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Cannabis supporters from both parties gathered at the state Capitol Monday for Cannabis Lobby Day, calling on lawmakers to support legislation that could shape the state’s marijuana market.
The event was organized by the Virginia chapter of the National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws, a nonprofit advocating for the responsible legalization of marijuana. Participants spent their day speaking with lawmakers at the general assembly and observing testimony from the Senate and House galleries.
“Cannabis policy isn’t the niche issue it was 10 years ago in Virginia,” NORML Development Director JM Pedini said. “Today, legalization is the law of the land, and it’s critical that elected officials hear from their constituents who want to continue advancing pragmatic, evidence-based cannabis policies.”.
Sen. Adam Ebbin, D-Alexandria, introduced the lobbyists on the Senate Floor, saying, “I hope we can all undoubtedly agree that it’s time we take marijuana off the street corner and out of the corner store and place it behind an age-verified counter, where it can be regulated for consumer safety and kept out of the hands of youth.”
“It’s exciting times,” said Lt. Gov. Winsome Earle-Sears, a Republican who is running for governor.
SB1442, HB2366 and Ebbin’s SB1054 were lobbyists’ top priorities today, said Pedini, who also serves as the Executive Director of Virginia NORML.
SB1442 and HB2366 are companion bills that would establish a task force to explore strategies for stopping the spread of illegal, unregulated marijuana in Virginia, protecting adult consumers’ health and safety, and preventing these products from reaching Virginia’s youth.
SB1442 has progressed through committee approval and initial readings in the Senate but was postponed for further discussion. HB2366 awaits review in the House Rules Committee.
SB1054 would require the Virginia Cannabis Control Authority to share proposed rules for selling cannabis to adults aged 21 and over. They must report these rules to the General Assembly by Nov. 15. However, SB1054 does not legalize retail cannabis sales. The bill was referred to the Senate Committee on Rehabilitation and Social Services.
Monday’s events come 10 days after SB970, a bill that would establish a retail marijuana market in Virginia, moved forward in the legislative process. On Jan. 17, lawmakers on the Senate Committee on Rehabilitation and Social Services voted 8-7 to advance the proposal, which was rereferred to and currently awaits review in the Senate Finance and Appropriations Committee.
During the Jan. 17 review of SB970, groups such as the Virginia Catholic Conference and Family Foundation opposed commercializing marijuana in Virginia, with representatives from both organizations expressing concerns regarding mental health.
“Medical experts and health professionals have emphasized that retail marijuana marketplace creates a misconception that cannabis use is safe for minors even though cannabis use leads to adverse mental health outcomes,” said Todd Gathje, Vice President of Government Relations for the Family Foundation. “Nothing has changed. This is still a dangerous substance.”
While today’s cannabis lobbyists support SB970, Pedini referenced Gov. Glen Youngkin’s action on similar legislation in 2024.
“Adult-use retail legislation succeeded in 2024 with bipartisan support, only to be vetoed by Governor Youngkin,” Pedini said. “According to Governor Youngkin, there is no path to legalizing and regulating the retail sale of cannabis to adults 21 and older during his term.”
Virginia NORML lobbied in opposition of SB947 and HB2317.
SB947 was killed during Lobby Day. The bill proposed repealing current law prohibiting the stop, search or seizure of a person, place or thing based solely on the odor of marijuana.
HB2317 would increase the penalty for marijuana possession by those younger than 21 from a $25 civic penalty and substance abuse education to a class one misdemeanor.
In addition to SB970, SB1442/HB2366 and SB1054 lobbyists came to support HB1989 and HB2613.
HB1989 offers legislation to better define permitted medical cannabis products and improve their labeling for patient safety and to restrict medical cannabis delivery locations.
HB2613 provides legislation protecting parental rights for those who responsibly use cannabis as permitted by Virginia law in 2024. Identical legislation passed the Senate unanimously and the House 56-43.
Cannabis Lobby Day was successful for participants, Pedini said, acknowledging, though, that advancing marijuana reforms could prove challenging while Youngkin remains in office.