Aird to host legislative update meeting for constituents Feb. 8

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Virginia State Senator Lashrecse Aird (D-13th District) will provide a legislative update for constituents about this year's Virginia Senate proceedings on Saturday, Feb. 8, at 1 p.m. at the Petersburg Public Library, 201 West Washington Street in Petersburg. Aird's district includes much of Eastern Henrico.
The event will provide an opportunity for constituents to learn about legislation that has successfully passed the Senate and is headed to the House of Delegates, as well as upcoming legislation they can expect to see. It also will include a question-and-answer session.
“Hearing directly from those I represent, at this midpoint in the legislative session, is critical for ensuring that I complete the work representing their interests in the legislature,” said Aird. “Governing works best when we have these opportunities for open and honest dialogue with those who have entrusted us to serve.”